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Interactive Production Rendering (IPR)

Writer's picture: Margarita NikitaMargarita Nikita

When you use the interactive method, you can make changes to the scene while the rendering is calculated, and the changes will be rendered real-time. To start the interactive rendering, go to the Render Setup window (F10), to the Scene tab and to the General Settings rollout. Click on the Start interactive button (2.4.1).


The Start interactive button in the Scene tab of the Render Setup window.

2.4.1 The Start interactive button


Another way is to click on the Start interactive rendering in Corona VFB button from the Chaos Corona Toolbar (2.4.2).


Chaos Corona Toolbar - the Start interactive rendering in Corona VFB button.

2.4.2 Chaos Corona Toolbar - the Start interactive rendering in Corona VFB button


The Frame Buffer window opens, and the active viewport starts rendering. If you now, try to select objects from the scene, you can. Select the pendant and press the Delete button from your keyboard. The rendering automatically stops and restarts without the pendant this time (2.4.3).

Press the Undo button to recover the pendant. The rendering automatically stops and restarts with the pendant present this time.

Interactive rendering with the pendant deleted while rendering.

2.4.3 Interactive rendering with the pendant deleted while rendering


To see the progress of the interactive rendering and the noise level, go to the Stats tab. To abort the interactive rendering, press the Stop button at the top right corner of the Frame Buffer window (2.4.4).


The Stats tab showing the progress of the render and the Stop button.

2.4.4 The Stats tab showing the progress of the render and the Stop button

The interactive rendering is useful because it saves time, since you do not have to constantly start and stop the rendering process manually, but the program does it automatically. Moreover, it allows you to automatically render every change you want to test your scene while you are in the composition phase.


With the interactive rendering, the rendering stops and starts from the beginning automatically every time you make a change.


When you use the interactive rendering, if you click in another viewport, i.e., the Top viewport, while you are rendering, it will automatically start rendering the Top viewport. To be able to make changes in all viewports and only render the camera viewport, go to the Render Setup dialog box, to the View to Render setting, select the camera, Corona Camera001 and click on the lock icon next to it (2.4.5). Now, no matter which viewport is active, only the camera viewport will be rendered.

SCreenshot of the Render Setup window highlighting the lock icon for Corona Camera001.

2.4.5 Lock the View to Render


While you are rendering, you can choose to do region renders. More specifically, while the interactive rendering is in progress, choose the Region button and draw a region that contains the part you want to render, i.e., the pendant (2.4.6). Click again the Region render button to disable it and render the full viewport.


Region render of the pendant.

2.4.6 Region render of the pendant


The Region render works not only with the interactive rendering, but with the production (typical) rendering as well.

Apart from the interactive rendering that is viewed in the Corona VFB, you can also render directly in the active viewport. To do so, go to the Corona Camera001 viewport, and click on the Start interactive rendering in active viewport button from the Chaos Corona Toolbar (2.4.7).


Chaos Corona Toolbar - the Start interactive rendering in active viewport button.

2.4.7 Chaos Corona Toolbar - the Start interactive rendering in active viewport button

The active viewport starts rendering (2.4.8). To stop the interactive rendering, right-click and choose Stop (2.4.9).


Interactive rendering in the viewport.

2.4.8 Interactive rendering in the viewport

The Stop option for the interactive rendering in a viewport when right-clicking.

2.4.9 Stop option for interactive rendering in a viewport

Thanks for reading, see you in my next post!



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